
Here’s What You’ll Pay for Neocon Wars: $5,900,000,000,000
By Kurt Nimmo
Global Research, November 16, 2018

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More evidence the “war on terror,” now shifted over to a New Cold War against Russia and China, is nothing if not a money-maker for the merchants of death and the usury banksters. 

According to a study produced by Brown University, since the attacks of 9/11 the US has spent $5.9 trillion on wars designed to last indefinitely, or at least until the empire implodes. 

The Pentagon has lied to us for years, grossly underestimating the cost of its military operations against enemies largely manufactured by intelligence agencies. 

“That sort of vast expenditure is only the costs and obligations of the wars so far, and with little sign of them ending, they are only going to grow. In particular, a generation of wars is going to further add to the medical costs for veterans’ being consistently deployed abroad,” writes Jason Ditz. 

The report summarizes what many of us have known for quite some time—the wars are designed to last forever and represent an open-ended feeding trough for the “defense” industry. The authors note

there is no strategy for ending the wars. The fact that the US keeps spending huge sums for wars that, at least in Afghanistan, are in a stalemate, and in Iraq and Syria, are unresolved, is a long-term budgetary problem which will affect future generations. The government’s pattern of reporting only DOD war spending obscures the magnitude of spending since 9/11. The comprehensive analysis of post-9/11 federal war and war related spending conducted by the Costs of War Project is only one part of a greater assessment of the impact of these wars. The US economy will, in the long run, find it difficult to sustain this level of military and war-related spending and the deficits it produces.

Endless war and a financial scam worthy of a RICO investigation and perpetuated on the American people by the Federal Reserve and its cartel banks will not stop until the system collapses, an event that is far closer than many believe, that is to say the relatively small number of people aware of and warning about this eventuality. 

Trump has kept the Pentagon charade alive, acting as an international death merchant salesman of the month. His MAGA crowd apparently believes spending billions on redundant and often broken military hardware will make America something again, certainly not great. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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