
France Joins the Anglo-American Military Axis
By Rev. Richard Skaff
Global Research, November 03, 2010
3 November 2010
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In the current New World Order, boundaries of countries are increasingly blurred, sovereignty of individuals and of nations are slowly eroding, critical thinking is portrayed as conspiring, and truthfulness is perceived as trouble-making. Meanwhile, unholy unions are formed and new duplicitous treaties are signed to allegedly solidify elitist friendships. At the same time low intensity wars are waged to reduce an exploding population, pillage and impoverish nations, as well as balkanize rogue states, in order to subdue them and to bring them into the global family of the multinational business community that consists of predatory financiers and economic vampires.

Ironically, the BBC announced on November 2, 2010 that Britain and France have signed treaties agreeing to an unprecedented Defense cooperation, including the creation of a joint military force, the sharing of aircraft carriers and closer nuclear research.

British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy signed two pacts in London which they said would allow both nations to remain global players while cutting Defense budgets following the financial crisis.

The 50-year deal will introduce a new joint rapid reaction force of up to 5,000 troops plus the creation of a shared nuclear testing facility while the two countries will be able to share use of their aircraft carriers by 2020. [1]. (One center will be set up in the UK to develop nuclear testing technology and another in France to carry it out. £750m will also be saved over four years on the Trident nuclear missile system by cutting the number of warheads). [2]. Sarkozy and Cameron also said that the moves will save money without undermining national sovereignty. Both London and Paris, centuries-old military rivals turned European Union allies have defended the plans, insisting that their militaries will not lose the ability to act independently. [1].

This Anglo-Franco treaty leaves the observer wondering of the true motives behind this new military interdependence? Could this unholy alliance between two duplicitous, greedy, and power hungry Britain and France be a new step toward the full integration of the UK into the European Union? Could that mean that three mortal enemies like Germany , France , and England who caused millions of deaths in the world are finally heading toward unification under one nation and under one god “the Euro” or “another global currency?” Could the United States be the silent broker behind this treaty? Is this treaty a prelude for a new imperial ambition? Stay tuned!


1. Cameron and Sarkozy hail UK-France defence treaties (November 2, 2010).

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