Forced Vaccinations in California: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Exposes Corruption of the Vaccine-promoters at Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Dr Paul Offit, Dr Julie Gerbeding, Gardisil, the Major Media and Big Pharma's vaccine industry


Health Journalists: The information below should be mandatory viewing for everybody truly interested in the health of our children, which should, presumably, include investigative journalists.

Below is an important link to a video filmed on April 7, 2015 at a Sacramento, California event opposing California bill SB 277 (mandating forced vaccinations and weakening exemptions).

The video starts with a speech by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr and follows with a Q & A for a panel of experts (including California pediatrician Bob Sears , Brian Hooker, MD, and Eric Gladen, the director of “Trace Amounts”, the powerful film about the toxicity of thimerosal-containing vaccines). (This video followed a screening of  the documentary.)

Mentioned by Kennedy was the fact that 70% of the advertising income received by many major media outlets (during non-election years, that is) receive advertising income from Big Pharma, thus silencing those media groups and preventing their health reporters from reporting about the massive epidemic of vaccine-induced chronic childhood disorders, which include vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders and other illnesses, only one example of which is autism and the autism spectrum disorders (the others include [SIDS] sudden infant death, ADHD, neurodevelopmental delays, gastrointestinal disorders, seizures, tics, asthma, allergies, arthritis, [even parental bankruptcies and divorces], all of which began escalating since the CDC’s new mandated vaccine schedule was issued in 1989 – and enthusiastically promoted by physicians  and their trade organizations (1986 was the year that Reagan signed the Vaccine Exemption Act into law, which exempted Big Pharma from legal liability for vaccine injuries and deaths.)

Mentioned also was the question if the vaccine industry’s executives, etc some day being brought up on charges of crimes against humanity.

Watch several other videos, starting at: that featured Bill Maher actually interviewing Kennedy on HBO, which doesn’t apparently take Big Pharma money.

A list of four important videos about the subject:

“Bought” is an important documentary that highlights the dangers of Big Pharma, especially the vaccine industry.

“Age of Aluminum” is a new documentary about the dangers of aluminum in vaccines (which is present in many more vaccines than mercury).

“Trace Amounts” is the documentary that is mainly about thimerosal (mercury) dangers.

“The Greater Good” is another powerful documentary about Vaccine dangers.

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Articles by: Dr. Gary G. Kohls

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