Courageously Confronting the Enemies of Humanity. Crossing the Rubicon Together

When Julius Caesar, after some hesitation, crossed the small river Rubicon in 49 B.C., he took a decisive and irreversible step against his opponents in Rome. “Thither go,” he is said to have exclaimed, “where the sign of the gods and the wrong of the enemy calls. The die is cast.” (1) “The sign of the gods” was a figure that appeared to him and crossed the river in front of him to the sound of trumpets. 

Should not those fellow citizens whose minds are free and who have cast off all timidity follow Caesar’s courageous example and cross the Rubicon together?

That is, courageously confront the enemies of humanity and stand up to them, because through long hesitation the evils grow stronger. Every further criminal attack on humanity by the diabolical “elite” must be thwarted with civil disobedience and further non-violent activities. It must not be allowed that a small insane clique of power-obsessed super-rich terrorises as well as tries to subjugate the whole of humanity and is already planning the next global economic and social crisis – while we citizens hesitate to put a stop to them once and for all.

Two examples from the invaluable fund of alternative media

In order to adequately describe the current global political situation – according to Michel Chossudovsky “the worst crisis in modern history” – and to glimpse the possible future, I draw on two recent articles from the indispensable fund of modern independent media. Both have been published on the academic website “Global Research” and provide an unvarnished insight into current world events. 

Robert Snefjella writes in the subtitle of his article of 16.12.2021 “Corona Crisis: Absurdity and Falsehood…”: 

“Never before had humanity been exposed to so intense barrage of falsehood and absurdity in the guise of truth, science, concern, and fact.” (2) 

His article provides context to the attempted human destruction project we are witnessing and adds comments on reconstruction. Few could have guessed, let alone understood, according to Snefjella, the attack on humanity that was officially launched publicly in March 2020. 

Professor Chossudovsky’s second article, dated 14 December 2021, provides a glimpse of the future and is titled:

“Towards Another Devastating Worldwide Crisis? The WEF’s ‘Cyber Attack With Covid-like Characteristics’. Paralysis of Power Supply, Communications, Transportation?” (3)

Klaus Schwab, the founder and CEO of the WEF and architect of the “Great Reset” describes the crisis scenario as follows, according to Chossudovsky:

“The frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.” (emphasis added)

WEF executive director Jeremy Juergens adds:

“I believe there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.” (emphasis added) (4)

So, what are we waiting for?

Embrace the warmongers too

Crossing the Rubicon requires also keeping an eye on the geopolitical situation and stopping the criminal warmongers. This is the concern of the new “Krefeld Appeal” of 16 November 2021 “Falling into the arms of the warmongers”. It was signed by well-known personalities, received much attention worldwide and warns against a war against humanity.

The new “Krefeld Appeal” complements the Public Declaration

“We Europeans Say NO to a War Against Russia”, which was already written many years ago. Both appeals can be viewed on the homepage of the “Neue Rheinische Zeitung” (NRhZ) and can still be signed. Please, dear fellow citizens, make up your own minds (5).

If we let it happen, everyone dies alone

In the autumn of 1946, the German author Hans Fallada wrote his last novel, “Everyone Dies for Himself”. With it, he created a panorama of the lives of “normal” people in Nazi-era Berlin: after their son is killed in Hitler’s war, a Berlin couple wants to set signs of resistance. The quiet, sober couple write messages on cards and distribute them around the city. But they dared to resist the Nazis alone; therefore it was futile. 

In 1943 they were both executed. Hans Fallada learned of their fate from a Gestapo file that came into his hands through the poet Johannes R. Becher, later Minister of Culture of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). More than 60 years after Fallada’s death in 1947, his novel became an international event and, in the words of “The New York Times”, a “major literary event” (6).

In the preface to his book, Hans Fallada addresses a few words to the reader:

“Some readers will find that there is quite a lot of torture and death in this book. The author takes the liberty of pointing out that this book deals almost exclusively with people who fought against the Hitler regime, with them and their persecutors. In these circles, quite a lot died in the years 1940 to 1942 and before and after. About a good third of this book is set in prisons and asylums, and dying was very much afoot in them as well. It also often didn’t please the author to paint such a bleak picture, but more brightness would have meant lying.” (7)

What distinguishes the noble from the common?

I leave the serious final word to Hermann H. Mitterer, an officer of the Austrian Armed Forces and former colleague. He too, in the preface of his 2019 book “Population Exchange in Europe. How the Global Elite Use Mass Migration to Replace the Native Population”, to his readers, saying:

“It is not wealth, not social position, not academic education that distinguishes the noble from the common. It is the ability to recognise the importance of supra-temporal values and the will to give personal sacrifice and, if necessary, one’s own life for their preservation.” (8)





(4) op. cit.


(6) Fallada, Hans (2011,9). Every man for himself dies. Berlin. Book cover

(7) op. cit., p. 5.

(8) Mitterer, Hermann H. (2009). Population Exchange in Europe. How a global elite uses mass migration to replace the native population. Rottenburg, p. 4

Dr Rudolf Lothar Hänsel is a retired rector, educationalist and graduate psychologist.

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Articles by: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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