
Civilians Again Killed in NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan
By Global Research
Global Research, December 31, 2009
Deutsche Presse-Agentur 31 December 2009
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Kabul: At least eight villagers were killed and two injured in an airstrike by NATO forces in Helmand province in Afghanistan, local officials reported Thursday.

A spokesman for the provincial government said a house near the provincial capital Lashkar Gah was hit in the airstrike. The spokesman did not provide further details.

On the weekend, 10 civilians including eight children were killed in NATO military action in the eastern province of Kunar.

President Hamid Karzai stated Thursday that according to the latest information from the investigative commission in Kunar, the victims were shot dead in their homes by soldiers.

Karzai called on the NATO-led military force International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to hand over the soldiers responsible for the action to the Afghan authorities.

ISAF has so far not responded.

Civilian victims in military actions against insurgents is causing continued resentment among the population.

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