British Weapons and Military Equipment for Israel: David Cameron Should Resign

As both the US-Israel lobby and the British government continue to fund and arm the indiscriminate killing of yet more civilians in Gaza, (mostly women and children), Christians, Muslims and Jews are asking themselves how it is possible to legitimise the slaughter of so many innocent people on the specious grounds of collateral damage.

 It is abundantly clear to most people that this is an odious attempt to fulfil the political agenda of the American-Israel lobby in Washington that requires the ethnic cleansing of both Gaza and the West Bank in order to achieve the aim of Netanyahu’s Likud Party’s charter for a ‘Greater Israel’.

Its strategy is twofold: to abort the establishment of an independent Palestinian state by the continuation of illegal settlements in the West Bank – and by keeping 1.8 million Gazans at just above subsistence level by an illegal blockade of essential supplies including the prohibition on the movement of people and goods by air, sea and road, now in its seventh year.

 This is in many respects a more violently repressive regime against an indigenous people than was the abhorrent apartheid one in South Africa. Yet, David Cameron appears more influenced by the CFI Israel lobby in Westminster than by principles of democracy, legality, morality or decency.

The brutality of the IDF against a civilian population in Gaza is anathema to all decent people of whatever ethnic background. The killing of over 1800 totally innocent men, women and children is clearly a war crime and no attempt to avoid responsibility for this act, should be allowed to succeed.

In the circumstances, the Prime Minister should consider his position as the leader of a democratic nation that fought two World Wars against fascism to retain our democratic freedoms that led to our obligations under the Geneva Conventions negotiated in the aftermath of WWII in 1949.

Now that this government has apparently colluded in the violation of these conventions, by supplying arms and equipment to the IDF plus its refusal to condemn the killings, David Cameron should now stand aside to make way for a statesman who will uphold Britain’s democratic values of justice and its compliance with international law and who will prohibit the sale of arms to a state that deliberately targets civilians in order to achieve its political objective.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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