Big Pharma Firm Gets Slap on the Wrist for Medicaid Fraud

Featured image: The story of EpiPen pricing reveals why drug costs should be controlled. (Source: Greg Friese)

You may remember the EpiPen scandal — the massive price increases on the life-saving drug delivery system that saves people temporarily from allergic reactions — from awhile back. In 2016, The Daily Take Team wrote on Truthout,

Dozens of reports are now coming out about how Mylan Pharmaceuticals hiked the price of the very common life-saving EpiPen by over 450 percent since Mylan bought EpiPen in 2007.

You’ve probably heard of EpiPens, and you probably know someone who needs to carry two around with them at all times, just in case they have a severe allergic reaction as a result of some everyday occurrence — for example, encountering a food product with peanuts or being stung by a bee….

Read complete article here.

This article was originally published by BuzzFlash / Truthout.

Copyright, Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

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Articles by: Mark Karlin

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