“Anti-Islam” versus “Islamophobia”. “Conspiracy” Behind the Word, Triggering Fear and Danger in the Unconscious Mind

I am writing to explain about a conspiracy behind applying the word of Islamophobia instead of using Anti-Islam for any emplacements and stands against Muslims in the world. The impact of concepts of a word in the mind of individual and social is vital and it creates an image and thought which leads to a behaviour in a community accordingly. In etymology aspect, phobia means: “irrational fear, horror, aversion,” abstracted from compounds in -phobia, from Greek -phobia, from phobos “fear, panic fear, terror, outward show of fear; object of fear or terror,”. It became the common word for “fear” via the notion of “panic, fright” (compare phobein “put to flight, frighten”), from PIE root *bhegw- “to run.”

The Islam-phobia is chosen to describe of any actions or reactions (verbally or practically) including propaganda against Islam and Muslims in the world. While you study etymologically the prefix of Anti, you will find Anti is a word-forming element meaning “against, opposed to, opposite of, instead,” from Old French anti- and directly from Latin antiAnti-Semitic (also antisemitic) and anti-Semite (also antisemite) also are from 1881, like anti-Semitism they appear first in English in an article in the “Athenaeum” of Sept. 31, in reference to German literature. Thus any actions or reactions against Zionists will consider by zionists and applied by media as Anti Semitism or Anti Judaism choosing the prefix of Anti on purpose and meaningfully.

To explain more about the term of “phobia”, it is first better to look at the psychological point of view :

“Fear is a reaction to danger that involves both the mind and body. It can serve a protective purpose, signalling us of danger and preparing us to deal with it, or it can be disruptive.” To understand Fears, psychologists say:

“Fear is a built-in survival mechanism with which we are all equipped. Fear is a normal human emotional reaction. Even as babies, we possess the survival instincts necessary to respond when we sense danger. A fear reaction happens whenever we sense danger or when we are confronted with something new or unknown that seems potentially dangerous. Most people tend to avoid the things they feel afraid of. There are, of course, exceptions such as people who seek out the thrill of extreme sports because the rush of fear can be exciting. We all experience fear slightly differently and with more or less intensity. Some normal fears seem pretty much like a worry, or something you feel generally afraid of or uneasy about.

However, at other times, fear comes as a sudden reaction to a sudden confrontation with danger.”

They also distinguish the difference between Fear and Anxiety and psychologists believe: Fear is a reaction to an actual danger signal – it involves physical and mental tension that helps you spring into action to protect yourself from something that is happening. The body suddenly gears up into fight or flight mode when, for example, the car in front of you swerves and you just miss it. Once you know the danger has passed, the fear goes away.

The physical and mental tension of anxiety is very similar to fear but with one important difference. With anxiety, there isn’t usually anything actually happening right then and there to trigger the feeling. The feeling is coming from the anticipation of future danger or something bad that could happen, but there is no danger happening now.

Understanding Phobias:

A phobia is an intense, unreasonable fear of situations, objects, activities, or persons where the fear is far out of proportion to the actual danger or harm that is possible. The fear and distress is so intense that the person will do whatever they can to avoid coming into contact with the object of their fear, and often spend time thinking about whether they’re likely to encounter it in a given situation. In fact, if you have a phobia, you probably realize that your fear is unreasonable, yet you still can’t control it. If you are exposed to the thing you’re afraid of, you become overwhelmed with extreme feelings of anxiety, fear, and even panic. This experience is so unpleasant that you will go to great lengths to avoid the object or situation you fear.


When someone develops a phobia, they quickly learn that they feel anxious when they are near the object or situation they fear – and that they feel relief when they avoid it. They learn that avoidance can reduce their anxiety (at least for the moment) and increase the likelihood that they will avoid the feared situation or object next time. The difficulty is that these avoidance behaviors have to keep increasing and happening even sooner to provide the same relief. Pretty soon, a person finds himself spending time worrying about the possibility of encountering the feared situation and avoiding anything that might bring him into contact with it. With a phobia, the pattern of anxiety, avoidance, and worry about the possibility of contact tends to grow bigger and interferes more with life over time.

Source: http://www.psychologistanywhereanytime.com/phobias_psychologist_and_psychologists/psychologist_ fears_and_phobias.htm

But having Anti behaviour such as antisocial behaviour is A pattern of behavior that is verbally or physically harmful to other people, animals, or property, including behavior that severely violates social expectations for a particular environment. Regardless of this possibility, these behaviors often lead to major difficulties in many life areas, including work and personal relationships and the disorder is often linked to criminal behavior.


Therefore the phobia is talking about an unpleasant feeling in confrontation with a danger and Islamphobia holding the same meaning of danger and fear in unconscious mind although it is irrational but the outcome is a Fear causes by a fact called Islam.

Whereas using “Anti” for anti-semitism indicating violence and crime against Jewish people (racism) which it generates a feeling to defend or help the victims.

Now who needs help and who are victims:

  • when Gazans are under siege and bombardment by Zionists,
  • Syrians are facing a civil war led by ISIS assisted by the US and Israel,
  • Muslims are shot at in the US,
  • Iranians are suffering from sanctions,
  • Yemenis , Iraqis, are the victims of airstrikes,
  • and so on

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Articles by: Farah Ghasemi

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