Ankle Deep in Britain’s Dirty Politics. Brutal Verbal Exchange in House of Commons


‘Bully, mobster, yob, ruffian, criminal, roughneck, gangster, hoodlum ..’

Just some of the adjectives used to describe each of the current leaders in both London and Washington.

In an unprecedented and brutal verbal exchange, politicians in the House of Commons yesterday exhibited some of the worst behaviour ever seen in the chamber of one of the oldest legislative assemblies in the world.

In Washington, initial steps have yesterday been taken to institute impeachment proceedings against an elected leader alleged to have been involved in criminal, political machinations with a foreign state in order to prejudice the eventual result of the next US presidential election.

Whereas in recent modern times, we have taken for granted the integrity and propriety of our elected leaders in both London and Washington, (and Tel Aviv), we now find ourselves ankle deep in political excrement that threatens the entire democratic governance of the Western world.

Illegal behaviour, bribery, corruption, greed and dishonesty will lead inevitably to violence and eventually to killings. In Israel, investigations have been continuing for some time and indictments are expected. In Britain and the United States, enquiries of alleged criminality have now commenced.

These are extraordinary and febrile times for Western democracies which have seen a dramatic and sudden deterioration in the conduct of elected politicians to the extent that the very fabric of civilised behaviour and political integrity has been torn and shredded.

The overall position is exacerbated by the fact that the leaders of all three claimed Western democracies are men who control deadly nuclear arsenals that could wipe out civilisation, at a stroke. Perhaps we should all reflect on that fact because unless there is an immediate paradigm shift to remove all three current leaders then any one of them could cause a global nuclear conflagration that could decimate and contaminate our cities for hundreds of years.

These are times that are unprecedented in the history of human existence for mankind has never before faced such extraordinary and terrible threats. There needs to be coordinated action by all three electorates representing over 400 million people whose livelihoods and very lives, and the lives of our children, are now endangered by political leaders intent on seeking and maintaining power for themselves and their families, at any cost. They must all be removed and replaced through democratic action.

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Articles by: Hans Stehling

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