5G as a Globalist Tool

The recent Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing regarding oversight of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failed to shed any real light on  details of the proposed 5G network as it received less scrutiny than expected given its highly anticipated, ubiquitous role in American life.

While the Senate Committee would be the logical committee to hold 5G hearings, it was curious that the Committee’s website does not specifically identify The Internet or Digital Communication or any other broadband subject on its list of committee jurisdiction.  The closest mention is “all matters relating to science and technology” even though the Committee has held a series of related 5G hearings beginning in late 2017.

Perusing the Committee’s schedule of hearings, the question remains how and when did the genesis of the 5G project occur?  While there were no introductory or oversight hearings on the  project as a stand-alone entity, it was as if 5G was a done deal. There have been, however, hearings that address individual items specific to the 5G project.  So the question is how exactly did such a complex 5G move so far, so fast without public hearings and little public awareness?   Exactly how did this juggernaut get rolling?  If the 5G project and its massive diabolical offspring came out of Silicon Valley, it would be curious that no representatives appeared before the Committee to take credit for introducing such a sophisticated piece of malevolence.

While the digital revolution ostensibly began in America in 1975, Israel has hosted Intel’s largest and most advanced development and computer chip manufacturing center in the world since 1974 specializing in IOT devices, AIs and cyber security while China’s leading telecoms Huawei and ZTE were founded in 1987 and 1985; respectively.

An Intelpromotional essay entitled “Intel Lays the Groundwork for America’s 5G Future” appears to answer the question of origination when it states:

In preparation for widespread 5G implementation, Intel released theindustry’s first 5G trial platform in 2016. This made it possible for Intel to test 5G wireless technology across multiple U.S. markets, working closely with telecom equipment manufacturers such as Ericsson and Nokia.”

The same document goes on to suggest that “the nation’s 5G needs to be built by American innovators” that the “groundbreaking technology should be supported by lawmakers” and that “US competitiveness in key 4G technologies is essential to US leadership in 5G.” 

One interpretation of the above is that once Israel/Intel put the product together, it was then up to the US to sneak this technological atrocity past a naturally suspicious public, sell it to stressed-out skeptical citizens, line up the infrastructure, take it to market and deal with the political blowback.

By September, 2018, Intel announced that Nokia and Ericsson would partner to deploy 5G globally describing that, according to an Ericsson spokesman “for 5G we’ve been collaborating since four years back.” In other words, while 5G has been a gleam in Israel/Intel’s eye for sometime, there has been a sort of shakedown cruise to work out the kinks prior to introducing the project to the gullible Americans.

Clearly, the Senate Committee (and 5G proponents) were intent on bamboozling the American public, assuring that discovery of the project would come only after it was too little, too late.

The following hearings, some with obscure sounding titles, were vague enough to deflect public attention and thus escape public scrutiny.  The intent was to avoid public hearings specifically identified as the Big Overall Picture which would have opened 5G to a massive interrogation.  Such hearings would have stirred the American public in furious national outrage and provided them an opportunity to mount an organized, coordinated opposition – and it is not too late.

Clearly, if 5G represented such a social boon, a true benefit to American life as the proponents allege, the Committee would have acted with more accountability, more openness and transparency, a willingness to fully inform the public of its intentions. They did not do so.  Clearly, the Committee and its 5G proponents meant to preclude exactly the kind of national debate as it was their job to have initiated.


  • June 25 – Optimizing for Engagement: Understanding the Use of Machine Learning and Internet Platforms
  • June 12 – Oversight of the Federal Commerce Commission
  • May 1 – Consumer Perspectives: Policy Principles for Federal Data Privacy Framework
  • April 30 – Strengthening the Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things
  • April 10 – Broadband Mapping:  Challenges and Solutions
  • March 26 – Small Business Perspective on Federal Data Privacy Framework
  • March 12 – Impact of Broadband investments in Rural America
  • March 7 – China: Challenge for US Commerce
  • February 27 – Policy Principles for Federal Data Privacy Framework in the US
  • February 6 – Winning the Race to 5G and the Next Era of Technology Innovation in the US


  • October 12 – The Race to 5G: A View from the Field (South Dakota)
  • October 4 – Broadband: Opportunities and Challenges in Rural America
  • August 16 – Oversight of the FCC
  • July 31- The Internet and Digital Communication:  Examining the Impact of Global Internet Governance
  • July 25- The Race to 5G:  Exploring Spectrum Need to Maintain US Global Leadership
  • July 11 – Complex Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities:  Lessons Learned from Spectre and Meltdown
  • June 19 – Cambridge Analytica and other Facebook Partners: Examining Data Privacy Risks
  • March 13 – Rebuilding Infrastructure in America: Investing in Next Generation of Broadband


  • December 12 – Digital Decision Making:  The Building Block of Machine Learning and AI
  • November 7 – Advancing the Internet of Things in Rural America

Clearly the 5G campaign has been in the Intel pipeline prior to 2016 which explains the sense of urgency for the FCC’s adoption of ‘fast lane’ approval processes.  The US was tasked in January, 2018 by a National Security Council 5G presentation to provide the necessary infrastructure requirements within a three year period in order to not lose the global initiative.

The mega-mammoth project is being sold to the American public as essential to modern life and deliberately focused on increased broadband network speeds, improved reliability and greater capacity including a connectivity to all that can be connected.  The mostly worthless  connectivity of all things is little more than a sham, a talking point that offers no real merit to American consumers.  The slick PR focus on broadband speed is a not-so-clever smokescreen for the sinister Massive Internet of Things (MIOT) and its fiendish compatriot, Artificial Intelligence.  The pretense is that faster speeds are far superior and very desirable, as if the current 4G LTE speed is somehow inferior or as if the public has been clamoring for faster speeds – neither is the case.  The truth is that 5G is much more than an irrelevant connectivity opportunity that begins with a digital transformation but rather provides an opportunity to transform humanity and civilization into a profound grotesque distortion of reality.

This level of razzle-dazzle has not been seen since taming the ‘peaceful’ atom opened the door to a radioactive world of nuclear weapons, nuclear waste and creation of a monolithic military industrial complex.  In return, the American public was promised low cost, reliable, safe electricity, all of which proved to be a blasphemous scam spawned by the snake-oil salesmen and neocons of the day – not unlike the 5G PR campaign we are witnessing today.

The creators of 5G are pinning their hopes on enough wirelessly addicted, self indulgent humans being open to the opportunity for new digital bells and whistles to take over every personal and professional task.  The success of 5G depends on human being willingness to acquiesce those burdensome tasks of setting a timer on the coffee brewer or starting the washing machine so that humanity will have more time to escape into virtual reality toys rather than taking a hike in nature.  Without explicitly saying so, the ultimate objective is to free humanity from the burden of personal interaction with the rest of humanity in favor of interaction with computerized machines or gadgets.  As if the need for human relationship is a genetic weakness, the true existence of human beings becomes extraneous as increased surveillance and monitoring of all daily activity is recorded.  As the State will monitor all thought, our personal bathroom habits, whether to become pregnant (or not) or personal private choices, all will be entered into a personal data registry – not unlike China’s ‘social credit score’ evaluating each citizen’s loyalty.  There will be no on or off switch as opting out will no longer be permitted.

The human heart of kindness, love and compassion will be but a memory of the past when our neighbors were our friends and our friends were like family and our family a scant remnant of a poignant reminiscence that has no authenticity.  These are not exaggerated forecasts of the future but a creepy reality check of what the Silicon Valley and apparently Israel/Intel techno twits have in store as humanity becomes complacent to its own basic life decisions and that of future generations.

To be continued…


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Renee Parsons has been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, an environmental lobbyist with Friends of the Earth and staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research. 

She can be found on Twitter @reneedove31

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Articles by: Renee Parsons

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