Palestine: The Nuclear-Armed Occupier versus Children Throwing Stones

HRW report accuses Israel of Child Abuse as Knesset now imposes penalties of up to 20 years prison for those throwing stones

Palestinian stone-throwing refers to the Palestinian practice of unarmed children throwing stones at occupying forces, most commonly as a form of resistance and/or civil disobedience against those who they perceive as the hated occupiers of their families’ land.

In this context, it should be appreciated that the state which illegally expropriates land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem – that has been Arab populated for a thousand years – is one of the most heavily armed in the world being estimated to be the most powerful nuclear weaponised entity after the US and Russia.

Estimates of undeclared nuclear warheads held by Israel, range up to 400, all outside of any inspection by the UN’s IAEA nuclear energy agency because the Israeli state is, uniquely for a claimed Western democracy, a non-party to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to which all member states of the EU are signatories. As are the United States, Russia and China – but not Mr Netanyahu’s Israel.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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