The 9/11 “Watershed Event”: Towering Infernos, False Flags and the “Global War on Terrorism”


When Moscow’s Federation Tower skyscraper caught fire last April, images of the blazing inferno on its upper floors were grim reminders of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the Twin Towers of New York City’s World Trade Centre.

However, had the “9/11 laws of physics” prevailed, Federation Tower would have collapsed into its footprint at free-fall speed and turned into an inches-deep dust carpet covering central Moscow. Clearly, that is not what happened…

What did happen was that twenty Moscow fire brigades and helicopters fought the blaze throughout the night, bringing it under control and finally extinguishing it.

Birth of the “Global War on Terror”

Indeed, strange events surround the 9/11 terror attack, which has become the watershed event of our modern times. For it marks the beginning of Imperial Overdrive on the part of the United States, Britain and key allies in Europe and the Middle East, all masqueraded as the “Global War on Terror.” In just over a decade, this war has cost untold suffering, death and injury to millions of people and widespread violence in many countries, some of which have since been invaded and destroyed.

Closer to home, 9/11 has served to “justify” today’s Gestapo-like 24/7 total surveillance police-state spying on the domestic populations of the US, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and – even if to a lesser degree – in most other countries too.

These are just two of the many significant reasons why the 9/11 Event needs to be revisited and reassessed until the full truth finally comes out: who really did it, why did they do it, how did they manage to pull it off, and who have been hiding or at least diverting the awful truth about it and why?

We need not delve here on all the flagrant contradictions and damned lies propagated by US authorities and the mainstream media to this very day. In this respect, readers are recommended to visit the many excellent and well-researched and documented sites on the Internet, including,,,, and, amongst others.

Rather, it’s the dramatic geopolitical consequences of the flagrant 9/11 lies that need to be increasingly stressed. By now, all independent thinking people know that the World Trade Centre was not brought down by 19 suicidal fanatics led by some nut hiding inside a deep cave in Afghanistan.

Funnily, this is the most grotesque and idiotic conspiracy theory ever told and yet… that is exactly what US, UK and European authorities expect the world to believe occurred. People everywhere, however, are increasingly waking up to the obvious fact that steel-framed buildings don’t just collapse the way the World Trade Centre did.

Steel and Concrete Skyscrapers Do Not Crumble to Dust…

Moscow’s Federation Tower is just one of many examples of high-rise steel buildings suffering catastrophic fires and yet remaining intact. Let’s take a quick look at other eloquent examples, some dating back many decades:

On 17 October 2004, a fire broke out in Caracas, Venezuela’s tallest skyscraper housing the Ministry of Infrastructure. The upper 20 of its 50 floors were destroyed and yet… it did not collapse.

On 12 February 2005, Madrid’s 33 storey Winsor Tower suffered a huge fire causing the outer parts of its 30 upper floors to partially collapse. It took fire fighters a full day to extinguish the blaze and yet the building… did not collapse.

On 23 February 1991, a major fire at One Meridian Plaza, a 38 storey skyscraper in Philadelphia, gutted 8 floors, killed 3 fire fighters and causing US$100 million in direct fire losses. The fire burned for over 19 hours, broke most windows on the fire floors; vertical columns were not damaged but horizontal beams sagged as much as 3 feet. The building did not collapse and was finally demolished eight years later.

28 July 1945: lost in heavy fog, a World War II twin-engine B-25 bomber rammed straight into New York City’s emblematic Empire State Building at the 78th, 79th and 80th floor levels igniting major fires and yet… the building did not collapse.

On 15 November 2010 a 28-story high-rise apartment building in Shanghai, China was completely destroyed by fire killing dozens, but the building did not collapse.

On 26 February 1993 – World Trade Centre’s North Tower suffered the detonation of a massive 600 kilogram Urea-Nitrate-Hydrogen gas-enhanced truck bomb deep under its basement level which was intended to topple the building, and yet… it did not budge an inch…

Ground Zero: Criminal Destruction of a Major Crime Scene

These and many other similar examples of catastrophic fires on high-rise buildings beg the question: what really happened on 9/11? Why did the two towers collapse at free-fall speed? Why did they turn into dust? Why was all the evidence immediately removed, whisked away and destroyed by US authorities?

What happened to those massive foundation beams cut at exactly 45° – tell-tale signs of controlled demolitions – that quickly disappeared? Think about it: the world’s deadliest and most famous crime scene where over 3,000 people were murdered was quickly gutted by the FBI, FEMA, police and military authorities; all the evidence removed and destroyed so that no forensic analyses could be done. Whatever steel beams and trusses survived were quickly sold as scrap metal to steel mills in South Korea, Taiwan and other countries for immediate melting and re-forging.

One would have at least expected US authorities to be curious to find out why two 110 storey towers lying next to each other collapsed so suddenly and catastrophically, if only to learn how to build stronger buildings in the future that won’t come down so very easily.

Everyone knows that whenever a major airliner disaster occurs, civil aviation authorities carefully pick up all the pieces, trying to put the unlucky airliner back together in some far-off hangar so they can investigate and maybe discover what went wrong. The cause of the accident – a faulty rudder, fuel tank, wing strut, avionics, hydraulic system, or whatever – can be re-designed so that airplane type and model is made safer.

Not on Ground Zero. US authorities cleared the area of all beams, trusses, bolts, burying whatever body parts turned up in the rubble, very fast. They only seemed concerned in ensuring Ground Zero quickly became “hallowed ground”: a mystical symbol inspiring the new-born Global War on Terror.

Physicists, engineers and the WTC’s own architects and builders state that the Twin Towers were built to resist direct hits from the largest jetliner of the late 60’s – the Boeing 707 – which is about as big and carries about as much fuel as the more modern Boeing 767’s that rammed into both Towers on 9/11.

What brought the towers down was the jets’ fuel, say government experts. And yet both fires inside the upper floors of the Twin Towers were not hot – certainly not hot enough to melt steel beams – hence their orange colour and thick black smoke, both evidence of bad or “cold” combustion. Why, even the blue flame coming out of your kitchen stove is much hotter than that, and yet your steel pots and pans do not melt every time you cook your food, right?

Worse still: video images of both jet impacts were very dramatic, particularly the ones of the South Tower that showed a massive, huge fireball exploding… outside the building!! Yes, indeed: a large part – perhaps most – of the fuel exploded outside and away from the tower. And yet… the South Tower collapsed first whilst videos show signs of molten steel pouring down from a spot around the 80th floor, something that was clearly not caused by jet fuel, which is basically refined kerosene. Tell-tale signs perhaps of Thermite and Nano-thermite, both of which are high-power military explosives?

That is what a report published in the April 2009 edition of The Open Chemical Physics Journal concludes. Led by University of Copenhagen chemistry professor Niels H. Harrit, a research team of nine chemists concludes they “…discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Centre. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites of… these red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. …The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.”1

Clearly a “smoking gun,” although not exactly the one George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice were looking for!

WTC7 – The Solomon Building

Then we have that 64 million dollar question that no one can answer: why did 47-storey World Trade Centre Tower No. 7 – that was not hit by any airplane and only suffered moderate fires on its 6th and 12th floors that were being extinguished at the time – suddenly collapse into its own footprint also at free-fall speed at 5:30pm on that fateful day?

This nice and tidy controlled demolition even allowed for the authorities to evacuate the building so nobody got hurt. WTC7 was home to SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) offices investigating Enron, WorldCom and high-tech stock market bubble scandals, as well as the Secret Service’s largest field office. Alas! All the evidence they had put together came down with the building…

Further, was WTC7 also home to a secret ultra hi-tech Command Post housing all the hardware and electronics necessary to sequentially (and probably wirelessly) detonate bombs placed inside the Twin Towers to bring them down? Once that operation was achieved, how perfect to destroy all the evidence under thousands of tons of rubble from the collapsed building? It’s just too good (or bad!) to be true!

Far Too Many “Significant Questions…”

We could add to all of this the incredible NORAD, FAA, USAF air defence failures over New York City and Washington DC – the most defended airspace on planet Earth; or the ridiculously small hole left by a large (alleged) Boeing 757 airliner in the Pentagon; or the almost complete lack of commercial jetliner debris in all four crashes; or the fact war games were being carried out at exactly the same time, in the same places and under the same attack scenarios; or the exceptional volume of “put options” short-selling American and United airlines stock which reaped nice earnings for some anonymous people who never dared to show up to cash them; or the fact that Osama bin Laden was immediately accused of being 9/11’s mastermind and culprit and yet for almost a decade the FBI had him on their “Most Wanted” list for other attacks but not a word about 9/11; or the glaring omissions in the 9/11 Commission and NIST reports and their grotesque computer model “proofs”; or incredible cell phones that worked at 30,000 feet; or the very suspicious US government-sponsored Bin Laden family airlift ordered by President George W. Bush once full grounding of all aircraft had taken place on 9/11; or the fact that only a day before defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted the Pentagon was “missing” a mere 2.3 trillion (US$2,300,000,000,000!) in unaccounted for assets; or the fact that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey decided to privatise the WTC to Larry Silverstein just two months earlier and that Lucky Larry got billions of dollars in insurance indemnity, even after he admitted on public TV that he agreed to “pull” the building down on that dreadful afternoon; or the FBI’s “lucky find” of WTC1 suicide pilot Mohammed Atta’s intact passport on the sidewalk below; or….

False Flag Attacks

More and more lucid people inside and outside the US are waking to the fact that 9/11 can only be explained as foul play purposely perpetrated by extremely powerful groups of players that are embedded deep inside the public and private power structures of the United States and its key allies, notably Israel, who have their own independent agenda. 

They are “False Flag” attacks, and involve staging carefully calculated very high-profile attacks on one’s own country and interests, and then laying the blame on whichever “enemy” the perpetrators wish to wage war against.

This is nothing new, especially in the United States where False Flag operations are a traditional foreign policy tool of deception. Intelligence agencies contingently partner and interact with discrete clandestine and criminal groups in order to plan and execute such vile acts of terrorism. They range from intentional provocation and “letting things happen,” to outright execution.

Understanding False Flags as part of US/UK/Israel foreign policy and war efforts not only explains key high profile dramatic events that “justified” war against a wide assortment of “enemies” in the past, but also helps us understand present-day US, UK, French and Israeli behaviour in places like Syria, Iran, Libya, Africa and Latin America. In all cases, one key objective stands out: promoting US/UK & Allies’ imperial expansion and consolidation as global hegemons.

A quick overview of historical False Flags:

1898: The US battleship “Maine” was blown up in Havana Harbour, triggering the Spanish-American War won by the US. This left Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines as war booty for the Americans. It also included an early media PsyWar exercise led by William Randolph Hearst’s yellow journalism press that whipped up hysterical war frenzy amongst US citizens with his “Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain!” rhetoric. Years later, it was proven the ship either suffered a coal explosion or, more likely, a bomb attack. Divers later found that the ship’s armour plates were blown from the inside out, and not from the outside as would be caused by an enemy bomb.

In May 1915, the British passenger ship “RMS Lusitania” was sunk by the U20 German submarine, killing 1,200 of its almost 2,000 passengers; 128 of the dead were US citizens. A week earlier, Imperial Germany’s embassy in Washington DC had issued public warnings to passengers because “Lusitania” was known to regularly transport military supplies to Britain in its war effort against Germany and was, thus, a legitimate war target. Winston Churchill, then Britain’s First Lord of the Admiralty, used the “Lusitania” as bait knowing the Germans would try to sink it.2 On its last voyage, it carried 6 million pounds of shells and munitions shipped by JP Morgan Bank to clients in Britain and France, which explains the catastrophic explosion that quickly sank the vessel. Although it was illegal for passenger ships to transport war materials, it nevertheless “justified” US entry into World War I in 1917. Winston was very happy…

7 December 1941 was US President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “day that will live in infamy” when Japan attacked a US naval base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. In his famous speech, he went on to say, “The United states was at peace with that nation,” and yet for six months before the Pearl Harbour attack a US volunteer squadron known as The Flying Tigers had been running attack missions against Japanese forces in China causing the Japanese to lose 100 aircraft. Pearl Harbour was part of a war plan against Japan, where it served as bait for the Japanese to bite, and they did. The US had captured Japanese “Magic” decrypting machines, so they knew about an impending Japanese attack, and just “let it happen.” In fact, Roosevelt gave several of those decrypting machines to his British allies, but none to his US naval commanders in the Pacific. Hawaii’s navy commander Admiral Husband Kimmel and army commander Lt. General Walter Short were used as scapegoats, found “incompetent,” demoted and retired. However, it “justified” US entry into World War II.3

In March 1963, “Operation Northwoods” planned by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff was described in a document titled “Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba.” It included staging assassinations and terror attacks in the Miami area, “sinking a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban air force attack on a US civilian airliner and blowing up a US ship in Cuban waters. All to be then blamed on Fidel Castro. Then US President John F. Kennedy did not give his approval, which must have certainly earned him further internal enemies…

2 August 1964: Another ‘day of infamy’ when North Vietnamese boats allegedly twice attacked the US destroyer Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. The truth is that, at the time, the South Vietnamese were running raids against the North in that area. The ‘incident’ was used as a pretext for massive escalation of the Vietnam War by the Lyndon B. Johnson Administration. The Pentagon Papers published in 1971 later showed that this ‘incident’ never even happened!

During the June 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbours, unmarked jet fighters repeatedly attacked and bombed the USS Liberty patrolling international waters off Palestine in the clear hope that its sinking could then be blamed on Gamel Nasser’s Egypt, thus dragging the US into a war for Israel. Unfortunately (for Israel) the American ship did not sink, although 35 of its crew were killed by Israeli napalm and bombs. Until his death in 1999, the USS Liberty’s commander William McGonagle demanded that secret documents on this perfidious case be released. They never were.

These are but a few of the “fleet” of implicit staged False Flag events of which 9/11 is the “mother ship.” All we can add is, “Mission Accomplished!”

Outside the US we also encounter incredible “coincidences” surrounding London’s Underground terror bombings of 7 July 2005, where private firm Visor Consultants admitted it was running a mock anti-terror drill in which the fictional scenario was exactly the same as the real attacks that were then taking place.

Visor’s Managing Director Peter Power declared live on BBC Radio that day, “At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.” Yeah, sure… we believe you!

Some Conclusions

Clearly we see a pattern of covert False Flag attacks that are part of the imperial war strategy of the US, Britain, Israel and their allies. Of course, false flags require careful planning, ample financing, absolute secrecy, fully prepared media coverage using powerful PsyWar techniques, and a suitable assortment of smoke screens, scapegoats and patsies.

High profile government officers – presidents, cabinet ministers, congressmen – must be kept as far away as possible from the entire planning and execution process.

Even if they are the ones giving the final go ahead, they must never be perceived as having somehow been in the know regarding the “coming attack.” They must look and act as “surprised” as everybody else! And if doubts do start to arise afterwards, they must have full protection; it’s all part of the False-Flag Model.

That, for instance, is what National Security secrecy legislation exists for: to ensure that sensitive and damning evidence can be put away, and finger-pointing information fully clamped down for 25, 50, 75, even 100 years if need be.

The model always includes an “investigation” by a “committee” of notables. Like the 9/11 Commission chaired by insiders Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton and directed by Philip Zelikow. If they summon top brass like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to “testify,” that too must be done according to discrete rules of engagement, i.e., in full secrecy, both of them declaring together so they agree and correct their “answers” to ensure they are “the correct ones.”4

They know only too well that, in the long run, the truth ends up surfacing as with the “attacks” on the Maine, Lusitania or Pearl Harbour. The important thing is to “buy time.” If enough time goes by, they can deal with and whitewash everything, as long as the public eye perceives such “revelations” not so much as a political issue, but rather as a historical issue.

What harm can really arise today if we discover that Woodrow Wilson and F.D. Roosevelt tricked the US into two European wars? Even the Vietnam War is history today; for most people it boils down to several good Hollywood movies and some black-and-white images of hippy peace parades in the sixties.

Once something becomes “history,” it can be suitably handled, controlled and sanitised. The great opportunity we have today is that the most hideous and dramatic false flag events like 11 September 2001 and 7 July 2005 in London are not “history” (not yet, anyway) but rather an integral part of the ongoing global political scene, that continues to be used to justify US, UK, Israeli & Allies Imperial Overdrive.

If, thanks to technology, the Internet, the huge dissemination of information, we can somehow bring out the truth regarding these atrocities and who really committed them, to a sufficiently large portion of global public opinion, that will then spell real trouble – even the collapse – of today’s horrific clandestine, illegitimate, unelected and criminal Global Power Masters.

They perpetrate their mischief enshrouded in deeply entrenched positions of power inside the formal public and private power structures of the US, UK, Israel, France and the EU.

So, in a way, we have much to be optimistic about. All we need to do is persevere in our endeavours to bring the truth out. Once critical mass amongst the world’s collective psyche is reached, then a tipping point will no doubt be quickly reached in which this whole perverted system of global lies topples over and sinks. Just like the proverbial cruiser Poseidon; then shall this dark system disappear in a moment; in the twinkling of an eye!


1. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, Volume 2, 2009, 7-31. Authors: Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen

3. Robert Stinnett, Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor, 2000.
4. A grand example of insiders “investigating” insiders was the Warren Commission on the John F. Kennedy assassination. Of its seven members, four were top-level Council on Foreign Relations members: Senator Gerald R. Ford, Senator John Sherman Cooper, John J. McCloy and – last but not least – Allen Welsh Dulles, CIA director from 1953 until 1961 when he was forced to resign by JFK after the Cuban Bay of Pigs fiasco. The CIA is one of the most suspect players in the JFK killing!

The above article appears in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 6 No 3 (

Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio talk-show host in Argentina. He has published several books on geopolitics and economics in Spanish, and recently published his first eBook in English: The Coming World Government: Tragedy & Hope? which can be ordered through his web site, or details can be requested by E-mail to [email protected].

Articles by: Adrian Salbuchi

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