Selected Articles: Historic Law Suit Against Barack Obama: Let Us Take This Case to the Supreme Court


Historic Law Suit Against Barack Obama: White House Argues that Funding The War against Syria and Iraq Makes War Legal

By Nika Knight, July 14 2016

A lawsuit filed earlier this year charging President Barack Obama with waging an illegal war against the Islamic State (or ISIS) was met on Tuesday with a motion from the Obama administration asking the court to dismiss it.


The US-Led Militarization of Southeast Asia. China, Russia, North Korea and Iran Are Targets in Pentagon World War III Scenarios

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Sputnik, July 14 2016

On Tuesday, the Hague ruled that China has no legal basis for its claims in the South China Sea. Asked to comment, Michel Chossudovsky, the director of the Montreal-based Center for Research on Globalization, told Sputnik that the Hague ‘tempest in a teapot’ is much less worrying than Washington’s efforts to militarize the region.

africamapBritain’s Scramble for Africa: The New Colonialism

By Colin Todhunter, July 14 2016

Africa is facing a new and devastating colonial invasion driven by a determination to plunder the natural resources of Africa, especially its strategic energy and mineral resources. That’s the message from a damning new report from War On Want ‘The New Colonialism: Britain’s scramble for Africa’s energy and mineral resources’ that highlights the role of the British government in aiding and abetting the process.

Bernie-SandersBernie Sanders and the Clintonite Neoliberal Consensus: The End of a Campaign

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 14 2016

The slimmest of hopes, which got extremely threadbare in the last month, was nursed that Bernie Sanders might have taken his support base and made it into a third movement.  A US political scene so typified by the banking retainers, the counterfeit pioneers and fraudulent managers, could have done with a new force.


Evolving History of the Anglo-American Alliance: Tony Blair’s Policy on Iraq versus Harold Wilson’s on Vietnam

By Nathan Allonby, July 14 2016

British prime ministers have very limited freedom to make their own policy – this is heavily dictated by the United States. It is very difficult for any British prime minister to resist pressure from a US president.


Neo-Napoleonic War. Conquest, Plunder, Exploitation, Slavery and Killing

By John Kozy, July 14 2016

Ever since mankind emerged from the evolutionary stream, human life has been characterized by conquest, plunder, exploitation, slavery, and killing. Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun lived it. The Babylonians and Jews lived it.

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