No Magna Carta in Israel

Provisions of Magna Carta Observed in Britain and in the Constitution of the United States - But Not in Israel

In Israel, the rights of an indigenous population that now numbers over five million, have been trampled on by successive right-wing governments over the past decades who have ignored the freedom of the individual.

Governments that have been, and are, determined to ethically-cleanse the region of its now dispossessed population that has been in unbroken occupation of the land for over a millennium – during all of which period, there was only ever a minority Jewish presence.

The land of Palestine has been, for over a thousand unbroken years, an Arab Muslim land that has been farmed and settled by farmers and smallholders in comparative peace. Until 1947, when a minority new United Nations decided by just 33 votes to 13, with 10 abstentions, to forcibly impose an Israeli state in the middle of the Muslim Middle East against vehement opposition from all those states affected.

But the U.S. Zionist-controlled congress of America was insistent. From that time until now, immigrants to Israel from Europe and America have steadily stripped the indigenous people of their water supplies, their olive groves, their villages and houses and often their lives. The manifesto of the Likud Charter requires the forcible possession of all of former Palestine, from the River to the Sea. They will, of course, never succeed.

Magna Carta has had a profound effect on the democratic countries of the free world. Only Israel amongst the claimed democratic states has made a mockery of the rights and provisions of this seminal agreement that protects the human and civil rights of the individual.

Whilst the world remains blind and silent, in accordance with the instructions of the international lobbyist/agents who control the centres of political and economic power in London, Washington, Paris and Berlin – more than 380,000 illegal Israeli settlers have expropriated the lands of the indigenous Arab backed by an Israeli government that is the only remaining colonial power in the whole of Africa and the Middle East.

Yet, the Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, appears to be a welcome guest at the tables of power in the capitals of the world. One can only speculate on what is on offer that is so much more valuable than freedom, justice and human life – all those essential rights encapsulated within the most important document in the history of mankind that protects individual prerogatives from the power of the state i.e. Magna Carta.

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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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