Bush and Cheney: National Groups Push Public Impeachment Events

In-depth Report:

Press Release

Media Freedom Foundation: Impeachment Education Fund

National Groups Push Public Impeachment Events

 Over Twenty-five national groups have endorsed a Spring 2007 impeach Bush and Cheney drive that includes the following activities;

 National Corporate Shopping Boycott April 15 (Tax Day) to April 22 (Earth Day) is set with over 1,000 community organizers signed up and local groups formed in cities all over the US and in many foreign countries. Supporters of ending the Iraq War and Impeaching Bush and Cheney will forgo major purchases and shopping in corporate chain stores and shopping malls for seven days, and instead find locally owned community markets, coffee shops and 2 nd hand shops. For down loadable posters and flyers to support this effort see: http://www.wearenotbuyingit.org/

The Show It Off! Campaign Launched! April 23-27, 2007

Wear impeachment T-shirts, armbands, buttons, stickers, ties, scarves, and become the millions all over this country – on the beach, in the valley, on the plains, in the mountains, on the farms, in school, at work, in the stores, on the sidewalks, in the parks, on the buses, subways andjê trains of America saying no to Bush’s war and yes to Impeachment.


April 28, National Impeachment Protest Day

Spell out Impeach everywhere with human bodies. Organize local people on the beach, in the park, on campuses, and spell out the words Impeach. Send a message to Nancy Pelosi to put impeachment back on the table and support Dennis Kucinich in helping bring impeachment back to Congress. 


 Dennis Loo, co-editor of “Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney” states that; “Anyone who’s been paying attention to what’s been going on for the last seven years knows that something’s rotten in D.C. Our government has arrogated to itself the right to invade countries that pose no threat to us, to carry out indefinite detentions and suspend habeas corpus, torture people, spy on tens of millions of Americans without warrant, and to use hundreds of signing statements to negate Congressional intent.”

Lew Brown, national coordinator for the shopping boycott, declares the importance of these actions,  “Bear in mind all of these tactics are but one facet of the greater movement towards peace and justice, but they are perhaps the most potentially damaging to the power elite.  Without their flow of revenue, without millions of compliant “consumers” pumping money into their accounts every single day there is nothing they can do except jê watch it all slip away and into the hands of an empowered and informed public.”

Peter Phillips, co-editor of Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney, exclaimed, “The American people voted against the war in November. Opinion polls show two-thirds oppose the war, and over half support impeachment. We have the individual choice of being ‘Good Germans’ and hiding our heads in the sand, or taking united action to dethrone the imperial powers through the people’s option of impeachment.”

Spring 07 Impeachment Sponsors: Gold Star Families for Peace, After Downing Street, Backbone Campaign, Center for Constitutional Rights, Citizens Impeachment Commission, CODE PINK Women for Peace, Constitution Summer, Consumers for Peace, Democrats.com, Democracy Rising, Gold Star Families for Peace, Green Party of the United States, Green Party California, Hip Hop Caucus, Impeach the President, ImpeachBush.org, Military Free Zone, National Lawyers Guild, Patriotic Response to Renegade Government, Progressive Democrats of America, Independent Progressive Politics Network,Velvet Revolution, World Can’t Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime, Pledgetoimpeach.org.

For Information Contact:

 Peter Phillips Ph.D. Professor Sociology Sonoma State University, Director Project Censored, President, Media Freedom Foundation, 707-664-2588: [email protected]

 Dennis Loo Ph.D. Associate Professor Sociology California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 909-869-3892: [email protected]

 Lew Brown, National Coordinator: Impeach for Peace, 707-869-1712,

 [email protected] 

Reasons for Impeachment from Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney, Seven Stories Press, 2006,

 1. Stealing the White House in 2000 and 2004 through outright voter fraud.

 2. Lying to the American people and deliberately misleading Congress in order to launch an unprovoked war of aggression upon Iraq.

 3. Authorizing and directing the torture of thousands of captives, leading to death, extreme pain, disfigurements, and psychological trauma. Hiding prisoners from the International Committee of the Red Cross by deliberately not recording them as detainees and conducting rendition of hundreds of prisoners to “black sites” known for their routine torture of prisoners. Indefinitely detaining people and suspending habeas corpus rights.

 4. Ordering free fire zones and authorizing the use of anti-personnel weapons in dense urban settings in Iraq leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians – war crimes under international law.

 5. Usurping the American people’s right to know the truth about governmental actions through the systematic use of propaganda and overt disinformation.

 6. Building an imperial presidency by issuing signing statements to laws passed by Congress that negate Congressional intent. Hiding government decisions from public and Congressional view through subverting the Freedom of Information Act. Illegally spying on millions of Americans without court authorization and lying about it for years.

 7. Undermining New Orleans’ capacity to withstand a hurricane prior to Hurricane Katrina; allowing New Orleans’ destruction by Katrina; and failing to come to people’s aid in a timely fashion, leading to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans.

 8. Denying global warming, disregarding peak oil, and placing oil industry profits over the long-term survival of the human race and the viability of the planet.

 9. Violating the constitutional principle of separation of church and state through the interlinking of theocratic ideologies in the decision making process of the US government.

 10. Failing to attempt to prevent the 9/11 attacks, despite a wealth of very specific evidence of a pending terrorist attack upon New York, and the World Trade Center in particular. Using this failure as a rationale for pre-emptive attacks on other countries and for the suspension of Americans’ fundamental civil liberties and our right to privacy.

 11. Promotion of US global dominance of the world and the building and use of illegal weapons of mass destruction.

 12. Overthrowing Haiti’s democratically elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and installing a highly repressive regime.

For additional Information see: http://www.wearenotbuyingit.org/ http://www.impeachthepresidentnow.com/

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