British Consensus For an Independent Palestinian State. Five Million Still under Israeli Military Occupation

UCL Votes for Boycott

In-depth Report:

‘University College London Union has this week adopted BDS as official policy’.

In England, Scotland and Northern Ireland; in Oxford and London and on university campuses throughout the United Kingdom, there is growing anger at the intransigence and complete failure of the Israeli government of Binyamin Netanyahu:

1. to permanently cease all settlement building in the Occupied Territories, that is in gross violation of international law

2. to repatriate all illegal settlers back to their homes in Israel

3. to end the six year illegal blockade of essential supplies to 1.8 million in Gaza that is a pretext to obtaining regime change

4. to end the occupation by removing all Israeli troops and military installations from the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan

5. To comply with the resolution of the United Nations that has declared the Holy City of Jerusalem to be an international city with free access to all faiths, in perpetuity

6. To open the suspected nuclear weapon sites at Dimona, Eilabun, Kfar Zekharya, Yodefat, Nahal Soreq, Rafael and Tirosh to the international inspection of the IAEA

7. To submit a comprehensive list of Weapons of Mass Destruction (nuclear, chemical and biological) currently held, to the United Nations Security Council

8. To release the thousands of political prisoners at present held without charge in Israeli prisons

9. To engage constructively in peace talks with the UN and the PA

10. To genuinely co­operate in the self-­determination of the Palestinian people and to tear up the Likud charter for a ‘Greater Israel’ which requires the ‘transfer’ of all non-­Israelis to neighbouring states.

The International Court of Justice, the UN General Assembly and the United Nations Security Council regards Israel as the “Occupying Power”.UN Special Rapporteur Richard Falk called Israel’s occupation “an affront to international law.”The Israeli High Court of Justice has ruled that Israel holds the West Bank under “belligerent occupation”.




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Articles by: Anthony Bellchambers

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